Moore Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram

Off-Road Vehicle Specs to Know in Hartford, KY

Off-Road Vehicle Specs

Things to Look for in an Off-Road Vehicle

When it comes to exploring rough terrains, you need a vehicle that can keep up with your adventurous spirit. At Moore CDJR, we provide a wide range of off-road vehicles tailored to meet your needs. But what features should you keep in mind while selecting your perfect off-road companion? Keep reading to find out.

Off-Road Protection

Off-road protection is like a shield for your vehicle. It comprises skid plates, sturdy bumpers, and tough body cladding. These components guard your ride against rocks, branches, and anything else that could damage it while on the trail. With its rugged construction, our selection of vehicles offers vehicle options that tackle any adventure and remain unharmed even on the most challenging terrains.

Off-Road Tires

Do you enjoy going off-road and exploring a variety of terrains, such as mud, sand, or snow? If so, then you should know that not all tires are created equal. Our dealership understands the importance of having high-quality off-road tires that can handle any obstacle you may encounter. That's why you count on a wide variety of vehicles equipped with deep-treaded tires that provide superior grip and flexibility, ensuring you feel confident and in control no matter where you go. Don't settle for mediocre tires that may compromise your safety and adventure. Stop by our dealership in Hartford, KY, and experience the thrill of off-roading with confidence.

Axle Articulation and Understanding RTI (Ramp Travel Index)

If you want to navigate uneven terrains smoothly, you need a vehicle with high axle articulation, which is the wheel's ability to move up or down relative to the vehicle's body. A Higher RTI score means your vehicle is better equipped to handle rocky terrain without worrying about getting stuck.

Locking Differential

When navigating challenging terrains, having all wheels turn at the same speed can make all the difference. With a locking differential, you can ensure this and significantly reduce your chances of getting stuck. Vehicles equipped with this feature allow you to take your off-roading experience to the next level.


The drivetrain efficiently transmits power from the engine to the wheels, allowing you to conquer tough terrain easily. For off-roading conditions, you’ll want to focus on finding a vehicle with a four-wheel-drive (4WD) or all-wheel-drive (AWD). Choose the option that best suits your needs, and feel the power of superior drivetrain technology.

High Ground Clearance

When it comes to crossing obstacles, ground clearance is crucial. The higher a vehicle sits above the ground, the easier it is to navigate rocky or uneven terrains without causing damage to the undercarriage. Our vehicle selection has what you need with carefully designed vehicles that ensure high ground clearance, giving you the confidence to take on any challenge.

Water Fording Depth

Are you planning to take your off-road vehicle on an adventure that involves crossing streams, rivers, or flooded areas? If so, you need to ensure that your vehicle can handle the challenge without sustaining damage or getting stuck. That's where water fording depth comes in. It's a crucial factor that indicates how deep of a water obstacle your vehicle can safely traverse. This ability depends on various factors, such as air intake position, ground clearance, and protection of mechanical parts and electrical components. It’s essential to check your vehicle's manual or manufacturer specifications to determine the maximum water depth it can handle without the risk of flooding the engine. Don't let the fear of water keep you from enjoying your off-road excursion.

Departure, Break-Over, and Approach Angles

If you're someone who loves to hit the road and explore new terrains, then you understand the importance of a vehicle's capability to tackle steep inclines or declines without scraping. That's where the approach, break-over, and departure angles come into play. The approach angle determines how steep your vehicle can ascend, while the break-over angle indicates the highest crest it can tackle without getting stuck at the midsection. Finally, the departure angle showcases how steep a decline your vehicle can travel down.

Quality Suspension

Off-roading can be a thrilling experience, but it can also be quite rough on your vehicle. That's why a high-quality suspension system is crucial for a successful off-road adventure. We’re confident you’ll find a vehicle equipped with advanced suspension systems designed to absorb shocks from even the toughest terrains. Not only will this provide you with a more comfortable ride, but it will also ensure that your vehicle can handle anything that comes your way.

Discover the Off-Road Life at Moore CDJR

If you're longing for adventure and searching for a reliable off-road vehicle, stop by the Moore CDJR dealership and check out our selection of vehicles. Equipped with all the necessary features, you now have a thorough understanding of what makes a competent off-road vehicle. Visit our dealership in Hartford, KY, and test drive a RAM 1500 or a Jeep Wrangler to find the perfect off-road vehicle that suits your needs.